The Blessing of Sharing In Ramadan

5 April 2023 | BBG News

Lecturer: Regina Rahmi, M.Pd

Ramadan is a special month for Muslims around the world. For a full month, Muslims observe fasting which trains patience, controls passions and increases social awareness. One of the activities that are celebrated in the month of Ramadan is act of sharing hence why Ramadan is also called the month of caring. In this holy month, Muslims race to do charities and sharing with each other. This high level of community tolerance can be clearly observed, with many people distributing food, takjil, groceries, and so on.

One type of the most common sharing activities during Ramadhan is takjil (foods) sharing for breaking the fast with the community. Takjil usually takes place in the afternoon, before breaking the fast. Ramadan is really the month that has the best opportunity to do good deeds. In this month, Muslims have the opportunity to reap abundant rewards. There are many religious practices people performe during Ramadan in order to reap extraordinary rewards. By giving a bite of rice, a cup of tea, a piece of date, or a delicious snack, that too can be a field of merit. So, it is appropriate that this opportunity should not be missed by Muslims.

Every good deed that is done in the month of Ramadan will be rewarded with multiple rewards. Like the following hadith narrated by Al Baihaqi, Al-Hakim, Ibn Khuzaimah (no. 1887), and Al Ash-habani in At Targhib.

“O people, a month has come to you that is glorious and full of blessings. In it, there is one night whose value (worship) in it is better than 1000 months. Allah made fasting during the day an obligation and enlivened the night as a sunnah act (tathawwu’). Whoever (in that month) draws closer (to Allah) with one good, it is as if he is doing one obligatory worship in another month. Whoever does one obligatory deed, it is as if he has done 70 good deeds in another month. Ramadan is the month of patience, and patience is rewarded by heaven. It is (also) a month of mutual assistance, in which the provision of a believer increases (plus). Whoever (during that month) gives iftar to a fasting person, then becomes maghfirah (forgiveness) for his sins, his savior from the fire of hell and he gets a reward like the fasting person, without reducing the reward of the fasting person (it) in the slightest.” Then the Companions said, “O Messenger of Allah, not all of us have food to give as iftar to the fasting person.” Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said, “Allah gives this reward to the person who gives the opening of a date or one sip of water or milk. Ramadan is a month whose beginning is mercy, its middle is maghfirah (forgiveness) and finally is liberation from the fire of hell. (Narrated by Al Baihaqi, Al Hakim, Ibn Khuzaimah, and Al Ash-habani in At Targhib)

Therefore, people who do charity in the month of Ramadan will be rewarded handsomely. People who do sadaqoh in Ramadan, combined with night prayers, they will be rewarded multiply. Then if you don’t forget to give charity to break the fast for people who are fasting, the reward that has been multiplied earlier is added to the reward of the person who was given alms in the month of Ramadan. If there is more than one person who is served iftar, then the reward will be multiplied.

Sharing during the month of Ramadan is also a practice emphasized in Islam. As written in Q.S Al-Baqarah verse 261, which means:

“The parable (of income issued by) those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is similar to a seed that grows seven ears, in each ear a hundred seeds. Allah multiplies (rewards) for whom He wills. And Allah is Extensive (His gifts) and All-Knowing.”

In this verse, Allah SWT states that sharing with others is an activity that is highly recommended in Islam and will bring blessings to those who do it.

Sharing in the month of Ramadan has many benefits. First of all, it can increase the sense of togetherness and solidarity among Muslims. In Western culture, people tend to be more selfish and care less about others. However, in Islam, sharing is one of the most important values and is always emphasized. By sharing in the month of Ramadan, we can feel a sense of togetherness and care for each other, both those we know and those we don’t.

In addition, sharing during Ramadan can also increase our sense of empathy towards others. Because fasting creates a sense of tolerance, empathy, and being able to feel how it feels to endure hunger and thirst, that is what gives encouragement to share food with others, and fasting can foster a sense of empathy for other people around us.

When we share with people in need, we can understand their struggles and feel what they are feeling. In this way, we can better understand the needs of others and strengthen our sense of empathy. It can also help us become people who are more sensitive to social problems that occur around us.

Furthermore, sharing during Ramadan can increase the blessings of our fasting. Fasting does not only mean refraining from eating and drinking for a few hours, but also refraining from committing bad acts such as lying, speaking harshly, or showing anger. By sharing, we can help others and strengthen our social attitudes, so that we become more aware of the importance of doing good and benefiting others.

Sharing in the month of Ramadan can provide great benefits for others, especially for those in need. There are many people who find it difficult to meet their basic needs such as food, clothing, or shelter. By sharing, we can help them to meet their needs and provide great benefits for them.

Not only providing benefits to others, but sharing can also provide blessings for ourselves. In Islam, sharing is considered a very noble good deed, and every good deed done during the month of Ramadan will be rewarded manifold. Thus, when we share in the month of Ramadan, we not only benefit others but also get great rewards from Allah SWT.

As said in a hadith, Rasulullah SAW said that “Those who feed and drink each other in the month of Ramadan will get blessings and forgiveness from Allah SWT.” By sharing, one can strengthen bonds of brotherhood with fellow Muslims and strengthen a sense of togetherness in society.

However, not everyone has the ability to share with others during Ramadan. There are many people who also need help, but do not have the resources or opportunity to do so. Therefore, we also need to think of other ways to help them, such as donating zakat or alms to organizations or foundations that fight for their rights.

Besides that, we also need to ensure that what we give is something that is beneficial to those who receive it. For example, when we provide food to people in need, we must ensure that the food is healthy and nutritious so that it can help them to meet their nutritional needs. We must also ensure that the goods or money we give are not used for things that are not beneficial or even detrimental to them.

And we also need to build a habit of sharing outside of Ramadan. Sharing should not only be done for one full month but become a habit that is continuously carried out. Thus, we can continue to benefit others and get great blessings from Allah SWT.

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